Holy Ten Sleep, WY
O.K. The Gang spent 5 days in Ten Sleep Canyon, ticked 28 pitches, and had an unequivocal blast. Picking favorite lines here is a tall order. Everything about this place is fucking fantastic.
- Cocaine Rodeo .12a
- Great White Behemoth .12b
- Left El Shinto .12c
- Beer Bong .10b
- Wyoming Flower Child .11d
this is how Ten Sleep greets you on a crisp 30 degree August morning
John’s first hit of Cocaine Rodeo .12a
Will’s warm-up lap on School’s Out .10+. Kaiser’s ankle is on the mend and he’ll be back on the sharp end in no time
still high, Cocaine Rodeo .12a
looking up-canyon from Mondo-Beyondo